I know this guy has to be related to us (the Alagna family); but I don’t know how. He is Sicilian (but grew up in France). This has nothing to do with domain names which is my usual fare here. This song however, is so me:
Here’s another picture of him when he was in his 20s. Doesn’t it look familiar? He has to be related:
About Joe Alagna
Joe Alagna is the CSO for it.com Domains LTD. He is also an independent insurance broker offering home and business insurance in southern California. He is an international expert in all aspects of the domain name business, including domain name investing, new gTLDs, registrars, and registries.
Joe can be reached by phone at +1 (909) 606-9175 or via email using the contact form on this site.
Articles and views expressed here are my own and may or may not express the views of the company I work for nor any companies I work with.
This domain name, Alagna.com, is signed at the root and second level using DNSSEC.
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Three elder women were discussing the trials of getting older… the first one said that when she opens the fridge she forgets whether she wants to make a sandwich or put something away. The second one says, when I’m at the bottom of the stairs I forget if i wanted to go up or down. The third woman said, “Thank God, I don’t have those problems. Knock on wood.” Then, after knocking on the table she said, “Oh there must be someone at the door, I’ll go get it.”
— Josh Blevins, Church 2019-03-31
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