New TLD Deadline Only 18 Hours Away

I received this update just now.  It states that there are still 500 applications incomplete… Wow! We’re at 18 hours and counting down and there are still 500 apps not done!   I think tomorrow will be a busy day for a lot of people.

This is a big day for the future of the Internet. This deadline represents the last chance (at least for several years) that companies have to own their own space to the right of the dot.  It represents the beginning of possibly hundreds of new registries and top level domain endings that have never been seen before.  I want to wish all applicants good luck and success as we approach this historic deadline!

Someone gave me an analogy that I completely agree with (I wish I could remember who it was; if you read this, please remind me so I can give you credit).  He said that the ICANN process is like a glacier.  A glacier is always moving.  You can’t miss it.  There’s no excuse if you let it run you over.  And when it passes, everything in its path is changed. He pointed out that in some ways, we can take comfort in that because it is stable enough for businesses to count on for the foreseeable future. I love that analogy.  It’s very true about ICANN.

Below is the text of the announcement:

TAS Interruption – Update (29 May 2012)

 Statement by Akram Atallah, COO

 29 May 2012

 The TLD Application System, or TAS, is scheduled to close tomorrow, 30 May 2012, at 23:59 GMT/UTC.

 As of today, over 500 applications remain incomplete in TAS – either a complete application has not been submitted, and/or the full fee has not been paid. If you have not completed your application, we urge you to do so in TAS as quickly as possible.

 If you are experiencing difficulties in submitting your application, please contact the Customer Service Center for assistance at:

 ICANN has established the following target dates for the New Generic Top-level Domain program. More information on plans for the announcement of applied-for domain names will be provided soon.

 We appreciate the patience and understanding applicants have shown throughout the application process.

 Target Dates for the New Generic Top-level Domain Program:

About Joe Alagna

Joe Alagna is the CSO for Domains LTD. He is also an independent insurance broker offering home and business insurance in southern California. He is an international expert in all aspects of the domain name business, including domain name investing, new gTLDs, registrars, and registries. Joe can be reached by phone at +1 (909) 606-9175 or via email using the contact form on this site.
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