Bicycling and Safety

I’ve owned a bicycle since 2012, and I consider myself a bicyclist. That doesn’t mean I’m always riding my bike but I always do aspire to it. Now, I’m at a place where I need to ride my bike regularly for my health. My doctor says to get about three to four hours of strenuous exercise per week. I’d like to do this by riding three or four days and going to the gym around the same amount. This should give me a balanced set of exercises and help me to get into better shape.

Bicycle Rider. This is not me but my bike is the same color (white) :-)
This is not me but my bike looks just like this and is the same color!

That’s a prelude. The purpose of this post is to start writing about my bicycling experiences. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time and actually set up a category on my blog for this purpose. Bicycle riding offers a lot of benefits. It’s low-impact and definitely offers a way to burn calories. I’ve lost weight, as much as five pounds, in single bike riding days. I know that may not sound healthy, but I still can’t think of a faster way to shed a few pounds than a 30 or 40-mile ride.

On the other hand, bike riding can be very dangerous. A single accident can reverse years of health benefits. So careful consideration of the caveats of bike riding is a really important exercise. I’ve long wished to catalog all of the possible accidents and teach others how to consider them as they ride, a catalog per se of things to watch out for while bike riding. I want to make safety the utmost consideration as I ride. Many of these items are obvious, but there are a lot more that are not so obvious. These are the ones that I want to highlight in my “Bicycling List of Caveats.” I’m going to begin the list here:

  • Sand and Dust on the Road: If you have a road bike with thin tires, this is an easy way to scrape up your knees and elbows. This is especially important to watch for if you are riding near the beach. But sand, dirt, and dust can accumulate on park roads and anywhere near nature. I’ve fallen due to it in both types of places, both times adding some scrapes and scars to my elbows and knees. Be especially thoughtful of this as you go around a curve. That’s where you are most susceptible.
  • Car Doors Opening on the Side of the Road: If I’m riding on a road where cars are parked (parallel), I always watch inside any cars parked along the road. Look for people in the driver’s seat that can open the door. Slow down or give yourself enough room to maneuver away from the door in the case of them opening the door. This can be an especially damaging accident because riders are often going quite fast and an opening car door is a sharp and instant stopper. At the same time, don’t go out too far into the road to avoid car doors. You might find yourself the object of a car or driver who is distracted. More about this in the next item…
  • Watch Out for Cars Behind You: There are really two parts to this point. First, we need to ride our bikes on the right (assuming you are in the United States). You should be going along with the traffic. Second, get a suitable rear-view device. Each of us has our own preferred method. Some people like mirrors built into their helmets. My favorite method is the handlebar mirror, especially one on the left handlebar because it allows you to see behind you even while you’re head is looking down at the road in front of you.  
  • You never know if a driver behind you is not paying attention, so you have to be diligent and be in the habit of looking in that mirror. Don’t do it so much that you lose sight of what is in front of you, but do it enough to be aware. I don’t know where I heard this but I love the saying that we need to keep our head on a swivel, looking forward, back, and side to side rapidly. This is the surest way to see all that is going on around you.
  • Then there is the sad fact that some people just don’t like, understand, or appreciate bike riders. They think that we should ride on sidewalks and don’t belong on the roads. That’s not true, but it drives their behavior. They often “buzz” bike riders, getting too close to them or harassing them. Don’t get involved in any road rage. Be a good ambassador as related to bike riding behavior. Do your best to stay away from them. The worst of these can be young kids who come so close to you as you ride on the side of the road that they almost hit you. Just be aware and be alert.

Today, I’m out of time. But I’ll keep adding to this list.

About Joe Alagna

Joe Alagna is the CSO for Domains LTD. He is also an independent insurance broker offering home and business insurance in southern California. He is an international expert in all aspects of the domain name business, including domain name investing, new gTLDs, registrars, and registries. Joe can be reached by phone at +1 (909) 606-9175 or via email using the contact form on this site.
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