The Economist Intelligence Unit published a nice infographic demonstrating the Availability, Affordability, Relevance and Readiness of 100 countries around the world.
Read the story… | Source: The Economist | Date posted: 3/19/2020
The overall Index score based on the scores of the Availability, Affordability, Relevance and Readiness categories.
This category examines the quality and breadth of available infrastructure required for access and levels of Internet usage.
This category examines the cost of access relative to income and the level of competition in the Internet marketplace.
This category examines the existence and extent of local language content and relevant content.
This category examines the capacity to access the Internet, including skills, cultural acceptance, and supporting policy.
I hope you enjoy it!
The new year, and especially a new decade, has me thinking about time and its passing.
Living on the west coast of the United States is a funny thing. You always feel late. If you call someone in the Midwest or on the East Coast, they’re two or three hours ahead of you. It’s hard to tell them anything new. They’ve already seen the news of the day and read their email. They’re thinking about lunch by the time you get to your desk. If you call someone in Europe or Africa, they’re at least seven hours ahead of you; and least of all, if you call someone in Australia or Asia, they’re living in tomorrow.
But many years ago, I dreamed of living in California, so living here is part of a dream made true. I thank God to be here.
What are your dreams?
Today we enter a new decade and no matter where you live, I wish you a decade full of dreams made true, and not just made true, but made true in time for you to enjoy them.
Happy New Year! Happy Decade!
DNS Week is a four-day week of events organized by LACTLD(1) and .PR Top Level Domain (Manager of .PR) that will take place in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from August 20th to 23rd, 2019. Within the framework of .PR Top Level Domain’s 30th Anniversary, the initiative aims to bring together the Caribbean ccTLD (Country Code Top-Level Domain) community with stakeholders and representatives from the regional Internet ecosystem in order to address and discuss different topics related to the Domain Name System (DNS).
The DNS Week will begin with an IPv6 training hosted by .PR Top Level Domain and the Internet Society Puerto Rico Chapter. This first event will take place on August 20-21 and it will be opened to all interested parties. The LAC DNS Forum will be the second event held during the DNS Week, on August 22. The Forum, organized jointly by ICANN, LACNIC, Internet Society, Public Interest Registry, .PR Top Level Domain, and LACTLD, will be focused on issues related to the domain name industry and its commercial opportunities. Stakeholders from the industry, the technical community and the Internet policy field are invited to participate.
The DNS Week will close with a training for regional Top Level Domain registries, on August 23. Organizations and stakeholders interested in learning and discussing the different issues that affect the Domain Name System are invited to participate in the DNS Week and share their regional perspectives and experiences.
The DNS Week is an initiative organized by LACTLD and .PR Top Level Domain with the support from ICANN, Afilias, Public Interest Registry, LACNIC, Internet Society and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU). All the information on the DNS Week is available at https://dnsweek.pr
1 Latin American and Caribbean ccTLDs Organization